Our Class Wiki - So Far

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Posted by Unknown


I have been researching a lot throughout this course. Probably the most research I have done this semester was done for my New Media Online course. I had researched many topics several topics and I would like to share it here.

I am not sure what is exactly my goal but I think I would probably go with either 3D-Printing, New-Media or Web design and it's related concepts.


The Next New Thing

Sunday, April 20, 2014
Posted by Unknown

The Next New Thing

Importance of Technology
New media refers to on-demand access to content anytime, anywhere, on any digital device, what is further as interactive user feedback, and inventive participation. Another side of recent media is that the fundamental quantity generation of recent and unregulated content. The importance of media technology is wide very good. In fact, a body of labor has targeted nearly entirely on technology as an effort of social modification whereas technology beyond any doubt has consequences for society, an immeasurable science perspective examines the broader context throughout that technology exists. Thus, throughout this chapter, we've an inclination to tend to wish into thought the varied properties of the various media.
The relationship between continuity and alter is needed to cause in making of recent media. New media wants associate investigation into the complexities of innovation as every a technological and somebody's technique but it's a downside that on wants associate interrogation of some basic presuppositions in science what is further as a confrontation with kind of its enduring paradoxes.
New Media
It is presently obvious to anyone UN agency uses a laptop computer laptop computer that intellectual exercises as basic as reading the newspaper or doing analysis became primarily fully totally wholly totally different activities for the foremost zerodue to internet so too have our views of communication in general; the extraordinarily notion of globalization, so overwhelming in today's world, depends on the possibilities engendered by a technology barely twenty years previous. Such is that the character of "new media." Computers, and along the digital systems and merchandise that they are presently a shorthand, unit what the general public believe once we've AN inclination to concentrate to the words new media.
Yet if we've AN inclination to tend to were asked to believe totally wholly totally different "new media," we'd have a lot of sturdy time developing with obvious examples we'd haven't got any balk citing instances of "old media": typewriters, vinyl record albums, eight-track magnetic tapes, and along sort that we'd have a point. This unit, from our current purpose of scan, old media but they weren't forever previous, and learning them in terms that modify North American nation to grasp what it meant for them to be new could even be a timely and culturally necessary task, associate exercise that in this volume we've AN inclination to tend to hope fruitfully to use to media voluminous older than we've AN inclination to tend to face live.
As our title suggests, this assortment of essays challenges the notion that to review "new media" is to review today's new media. All media were once "new media; and our purpose in these essays are to excogitate such rising media among their historical contexts to hunt out the past on its own passed terms. We do so, in part, to counter the slender devotion to the current that is typically evident recently in "new media" studies, a growing field whose abstract frameworks and ways that during which of inquiry unit heavily influenced by experiences of digital networks and along the competent protocols of the science of communications. But we've AN inclination to tend to undertake this inquiry at intervals the foremost to encourage puzzling over what "newness" implies that at intervals the relationships among media and societies.
There is a flash, before the material implies that and along the abstract modes of recent media became mounted, once such media do not appear to be however accepted as natural, once their own meanings unit in flux. At such a flash, we'd say that new media shortly acknowledge and question the mythic character and along the ritualized conventions of existing media, whereas they are themselves written among an activity and philosophical system economy that they then facilitate to remodel. This assortment of essays explores such moments thus on complement our up to presently perspective on what media unit, and on once and then the maneuver they are meaningfully "new."
We have everywhere that the differing capacities of media technologies to the intervention of social forces in shaping the event, application, and influence of such technologies. We have seen the pitfalls of a technologically settled browse that neglects the role of human agency whereas on considering but media technologies contribute to the social atmosphere throughout that we've AN inclination to tend to measure.

Assumptions relating to what count as "rules," relating to what is "real" or "accurate" or "normal," don't seem to be any less into account once new media unit less widespread than stereoscopes were or less apparently involved in describing ancient human perception. Media emerge and exist in ways that throughout which every challenge and regulate notions of what it implies that to be human.

P2P File Sharing

Posted by Unknown
P2P File Sharing
In the digitalized world that we live in, file sharing deals with sharing the digital information with people inside or outside a network. The shared information could be in any form such as books, movies, documentaries, entertainment shows, presentations and on a sophisticated level the software programs. It could be either a public source of data or through other private sources that facilitate in sharing the information with users who have different privileges for sharing the information.
There are certain websites that are completely free and one can upload as much as data as possible but the security and quality of the information is not monitored by the service providers that can put one’s system on risk of getting affected by a malware when visiting or sharing information on such websites.
Other than websites, file sharing could be done through installations of servers on networks. On a network there is a centralized server where the information is available for concerned people customized for fulfilling the needs of a particular organization. In this way, the hassle of going to each person individually to get the required information is pretty much avoided. As the documents of common interest can readily be accessed from server, therefore, one just needs the access rights to get to a particular file and view or edit it online or download it for later use.
The term P2P is an abbreviation for ‘peer-to-peer’. A peer-to-peer network allows the file sharing between computers without the need of installing the special servers that could be afforded only by large organizations. Whereas P2P networking benefits the individuals who have limited resources and need to share the data through their computers.
The P2P acronym is used as an alternative for people-to-people. Taking any meaning from the P2P, it provides usefulness to individuals who otherwise are restricted to use web-based file sharing alone. P2P is becoming famous. Its users are expanding and more and more P2P technologies are coming on the surface. Popular examples of P2P technology are Morpheus, 4shared, uTorrent and Kazaa. These technologies are quite helpful in assisting the P2P client applications in uploading and downloading files over the networks that are customized for P2P technologies. Other than these small websites, Microsoft also provides peer-to-peer technology that was first introduced in Microsoft service pack one with the name of ‘Microsoft Peer-to-Peer Networking’.
In promoting the open-source software, P2P had a significant role to play. Using this technology people are able to share their information with others. People team with one another to keep on working the open-source software codes. Thus developing the software and providing businesses an opportunity to grow using the free-ware. When P2P networking starts engaging the public, it is also termed as social networking.

The biggest limitation on P2P file sharing is that it becomes unavoidable to get somebody’s hand on a copy right material. Later on, that person further spreads the information without giving a benefit to the original idea developer. It results in violation of copy right law because of which file sharers and downloaders are vulnerable to commit a crime. Every P2P technology provider put the lines in their terms of service and gets a confirmation from their users about using the technology for uploading material that doesn’t violate copy right laws (CIO14). But in a world turned into a global village because of hyper connectivity of internet, seldom is the case when a user reads those terms and conditions let alone using the P2P networking service as per instructions.

Peers Find Less Pressure Borrowing From Each Other May 10, 2013 http://www.npr.org/blogs/alltechconsidered/2013/05/10/182651552/peers-find-less-pressure-borrowing-from-each-other
File sharing joins the mainstream by CHRIS NUTTALL. Financial Times. Oct 17, 2007. p. 2. http://us.ft.com/ftgateway/superpage.ft?news_id=fto101720070502178864
P2P [Online] / auth. Mitchell Bradley // About.com. - 6 4 2014. - http://compnetworking.about.com/od/p2ppeertopeer/g/bldef_p2p.htm.

Privacy & Confidentiality

Monday, April 7, 2014
Posted by Unknown

Privacy & Confidentiality
Privacy and Confidentiality are the major problem in today’s media. These all problems are usually due to connection with social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Google plus etc. These social media creates more problems than any other new media. People usually put unnecessary and confidential items too on social media like their contact number, address, information about their workplace, family list, date of birth and all. Actually it is not fair to blame this type of new media. They put privacy policies and privacy setting. But problem lies within user.

Users are not aware of these facilities and all. So they do not set proper privacy setting and make content open for world. There is setting to make content visible to their friends only, or can share content with friends of friends. User can also block unwanted users so they cannot see users content. New media provides these all facilities. If users are aware with all privacy policies and privacy settings there will be fewer problems. To avoid upcoming problems from this new age of media some countries made laws for restriction of content sharing. Hole in privacy and confidentiality led user to be in problem or can be victim either physical or mental attack. It is hard to maintain confidentiality and privacy in era of Internet but not impossible.  This new media needs to be more concerned about user’s privacy and confidentiality. They are supposed to give user more demonstration of privacy features. And users are also supposed to be aware with attacks followed by privacy and confidentiality loopholes. If new media and Users both will work on these issues, new media will enter in new era.

Bertot, J. C., Jaeger, P. T., & Hansen, D. (2012). The impact of polices on government social media usage: Issues, challenges, and recommendations. Government Information Quarterly, 29(1), 30-40.

Advice to My College
With the rapidly changing technology the usage of information technology has been adopted by every function in life and education is no exception to it. For the present article, the term ‘new media’ is used for getting benefit from the technology to substitute the current medium of transferring information i.e. books (Flowers). On the same lines, the process of doing assignments and the system of grading them could also be innovated that would provide students with interactive learning experience. Such usage of technology is equally beneficial for teachers to monitor the performance of students and taking corrective measures accordingly.
Colleges should use the new media to improve the learning experience for students at the same time reducing their operational costs. The lectures that are delivered by professors in classrooms could be recorded and broadcasted live so that those students who are unable to come to college could attend their classes sitting from home. Moreover, the lectures should be available to registered students online, so that they can access the material later on if they encounter problem in understanding the concepts discussed in classes. Research has proven that teaching models that were broadcasted on web were better compared with the traditional models of demonstration based teaching (Flowers). Although the topic of new media seems quite closer to distance learning, but effectively we should accept that when media is broadcasted, it is easier to get converted to a distance learning program.
Other than lectures, grades and assignment marks should be there on secured servers so that students are well-informed about their performance and can track their grade average over time. Putting grading on secured system helps students only when teachers continuously update the grading instruments on portal in time.



Sunday, March 23, 2014
Posted by Unknown

How new media fosters creativity

Twitter has been into this world, for many years, and we have seen a lot of creativity within this new technology. It started as a micro-blogging service, providing the users the service to pose 140-character messages. But, today, we can see many new features and new services added to this social-networking site. Twitter has incorporated new feature of Lists, Re-tweets, Hash Tags, Hyperlinks, and a feature of posting images. All these were not even thought of to be a part of Twitter.

Twitter has relied upon its user to foster creativity and innovation within their organization. And, this can be even considered to be true since people can easily exchange and share their ideas over the Internet. They can easily boost creativity amongst the large masses of people. Twitter, just like any other technology company as left innovation up to its users. The feature of referring to someone with the help of @ symbol was initiated by the user of Twitter. It was the Twitter founder Biz Stone, who had first utilized this symbol to address some (Miller, 2009). Twitter is also relying upon Twitter application software developers, to bring in new ideas and concepts, which will make Twitter more interesting, fascinating, and needful to its users. Twitter has already incorporated search engine, which is now considered to be the central part of the entire organization. They have even incorporated the hash tag for creating hyperlinks. This enables the users to click on it, and see all the relevant posts on that topic. Some of these might even appear to be trending, which in itself is another important innovation in Twitter. Miller mentions that, Twitter is thus relying upon its users, its software developer’s team, and other competitive media tools for boosting and encouraging creativity. They can thus continue this process of boosting creativity, and thereby making Twitter more useful to all its users.

 Miller, C.C. "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers." The New York Times. 25 Oct 2009. Web. 19 Mar 2014. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/technology/internet/26twitter.html

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Posted by Unknown
          Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

          According to the recent news highlights, it has been learned that virtual worlds are increasingly being used by reputed business organizations for conferences, people with disabilities (like autism) and by buildings that seek remembrance even after their closure. Users from different countries are given the ability to connect in one place and share their thoughts.

          Diverse benefits and limitations of the virtual worlds have been recorded. Where people are allowed to relive the atmosphere of a hotel and learn the history of a building, crimes in the building are also depicted. The crime instances are speculated to assist criminals in strategy formation for crimes in future. Old crime scenes and stories are repeated.

          Individuals with disabilities can enjoy the atmosphere and lifestyle, which they would not otherwise. The notion of ‘Avatars’ help people enjoy the image they would otherwise want the world to see. Disabled people are using these platforms to spread awareness on the prevention of diseases, cures and methods through which an average individual can help people with disabilities.   

          Many programs that offer virtual worlds have self-policing software that tracks any kind of misbehavior and reports the user to the management of the program/website. However, it is known that individuals in the past have been using the chats on virtual world websites for plotting and interfere with the working of the program. Hence, the management of the websites needs to be smarter to track such users and report to the authorities. When politicians step into the virtual world, users tend to formulate avatars and cannot stop floating around them to gain attention.

          The future of the virtual worlds is seen to be bright and an excellent platform for people to promote their interests and fight against social problems. However, the increased participation and negative thoughts of individuals are required to be curbed through a strong and reliable software.

Nicole Saidi. iReport: ‘Naughty Auties’ battle autism with virtual interaction (2008)
Saki Knafo. In Room 100, Its Sid and Nancy All Over Again (2009)
At Hearing, Real and Virtual Worlds Collide. Washington Post. (2008)
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