Posted by : Unknown
Sunday, February 23, 2014
A wiki is designed to be constantly
edited and deliver knowledge. Wiki is a website where multiple users create,
modify, and organize information, while working with each other to achieved
common goals. A blog is a quite different than a wiki in such a way that it is
opinion based and it delivers one way information where only one person
contributes to the blogs. Others may leave comments but only the blogger can
edit and modify the blog content. A blog applies mostly to the individual’s diary-type
posts. In a blog the blogger shares his/her personal information and opinions.
Safety should be one of the major
factors that helps us determine what should we use blog or wiki. Both wiki and
blog can be configured in such a way that only select users’ can contribute.
However, wikis are harder to monitor.
A collaborative blog is a blog
where many bloggers posts in one blog. Collaborative blogs can be used as a medical
research blog where doctors posts and share information on a specific project.
Another way of using collaborative blog could be in the technology industry. IT
related blog where several authorized technicians would post information about
common shared projects.
Wikis should be consider more when
you are planning to host a database of information that many users can access
it and edit it. Also we should consider wiki when we want to promote an
environment of information sharing and editing in a common form setting. I believe
that we should implement security into wikis and limit the fact that everyone
can edit wiki page. We should be able to monitor it more carefully so it would
be a better and more trustworthy source of information.
To conclude wiki and blogs are both
information driven web content. Wiki is more knowledge based where blog is more
personal diary-type content. Wikis and blogs are important for us to survive now days. We learn from wikis everyday. Wikis is our source of information. On the other hand blog is our source of entertainment. Humans like to learn about others and their life.
2. Blogs vs Wikis by the college of Wooster.